

I was part of a team at Creative Lab responsible for naming and branding Google’s all-new gaming platform, Stadia.

 Stadia is a place of many places – one place for all the ways we play. And although it remains iconic, we love that Stadia’s S-shaped symbol can be interpreted a number of ways.

Stadia is a place of many places – one place for all the ways we play. And although it remains iconic, we love that Stadia’s S-shaped symbol can be interpreted a number of ways.

 It evokes the epic-ness of a large stadium viewed from an upwards angle. It could suggest the wifi symbol. Its fluid shape also captures motion that you might encounter in gaming moments – like bouncing between platforms, waving a flag, drawing some

It evokes the epic-ness of a large stadium viewed from an upwards angle. It could suggest the wifi symbol. Its fluid shape also captures motion that you might encounter in gaming moments – like bouncing between platforms, waving a flag, drawing something free-hand, etc.
